Artist Statement: Hair Series

  I use human hair, visually, for the beautiful & elegant intrinsic quality of the hair. I value the challenge of creating imagery which still allows the natural tendencies of the hair to have their place in the work.

  The pieces in this series all begin the same way: as drawings made with human hair. I photograph the hair drawings, then these photographs serve as a starting point for the ink drawings, paintings, & etchings that follow. The photographs retain the immediacy & energy evident and innate in this particular material, while the other 2D mediums allow for my intuitive responses to the hair drawings via color, texture, & spatial depths.

  My series, 'Self Recycling,' contains works in various materials that are representations and recordings of my experience with illness, specifically in regard to the loss of my hair.  As I lost the hair, instead of disposing of this physical manifestation of an internal ailment, I used the hair to create 2-dimensional aesthetic forms. 

  Rather than being consumed by the evidence of mortality, I saw beauty and a new potential for a changing body. I took what my body disposed of, and revealed it via a new perspective.

"Hair 1: Dipping Over"
"Hair 1: Dipping Over"
14" x 11"
Digital Print of Human Hair